研究 is an integral part of a strong academic experience. The 2025 Strategic Plan, we has 5 research clusters representing NJIT's research enterprise.
研究 is an integral part of a strong academic experience and a critical priority in NJIT’s 2025 Strategic Plan. 该大学的目标是通过在从医疗传感器和设备到机器人等领域的新发现,在国内和国际上取得卓越的研究成就, 将纳米技术, 对网络安全, 下一代材料, among other topics of vital importance in basic, 应用和转化研究.
The 150 new faculty members we have hired over the past five years strengthen our efforts considerably. They include experts on topics such as bio医疗 sciences and engineering, 传感器, 能源, 新材料, 机器学习, 数据分析, 以及虚拟现实. 他们在获得美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)等主要资助机构的资助方面有着令人印象深刻的记录, 美国国立卫生研究院, 能源部, 和美国.S. 国防部. 我们相信,他们对我们多学科中心的参与将帮助申博太阳城达到其雄心勃勃的外部资金基准,这一目标在过去五年中已经增加了一倍多.
To achieve our research and educational goals, 该大学的战略计划要求教师之间进行无缝的多学科和跨学科研究合作,以及基于技术创新的创业精神, 教职员及学生, who all have a central part to play in advancing science, engineering and technology to fuel societal progress. NJIT’s nexus of core research facilities involving York Center, 生命科学与工程中心和微加工创新中心旨在加速与新的教学和研究实验室的合作, rooms to conduct projects and common areas where faculty and students can socialize and share ideas.
NJIT的2025研究战略计划组织了五个具有高度意义和社会影响的研究集群,与全球科技研究和发展趋势保持一致. Comprised of core and transdisciplinary basic, 应用和转化研究 interests, the five clusters in NJIT research enterprise include:
生物科学与生物工程: This research cluster includes multidisciplinary research in the areas of bio医疗 devices, 传感器和仪表, 大脑健康 & neuroscience, tissue engineering, biological sciences & behavior, molecular biology, evolutionary sciences, and gene therapy and phenotype related research. 研究ers at NJIT are advancing our understanding of the functions of the brain and spinal cord under normal, 分子损伤和病变状态, cellular and functional levels through experimental, 理论与计算方法. 成像专家, computer scientists and bio医疗 engineers are working together, 例如, to devise therapies and devices that will improve motor, 认知和器官功能. 为此目的, our tissue engineers focus on replacing dysfunctional cells with regenerating cells and tissues. 生物科学和生物工程集群与其他研究集群交叉,包括材料科学和工程, 机器人,机器智能和数据科学与管理,开发医疗技术和系统,如护理点医疗传感器, devices and rehabilitation systems as well as healthcare information systems and management involving primary care, hospitals and emergency care resources and protocols.
The scope of the proposed cluster includes areas that are aligned with the NSF’s 10 Big Ideas, 以及美国国家工程院(NAE)和美国国家科学院(NAS)“大脑逆向工程的重大挑战”,“科学发现的工具。,” “Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype” and “Engineering Better Medicine.”
数据科学与管理: This research cluster includes the study and practice of data science and analytics, and extracting information and knowledge from data that can be used for 医疗, 金融, business management scientific and engineering applications. These groups conduct research on bioinformatics, 医学信息学, 图像处理, 数据挖掘, 日地物理, 运输, 财务管理, 工商管理, 生命科学和医疗保健.
网络安全小组设计安全的网络系统并改进网络信息和通信技术(ICT)。. ICT is shaping many aspects of society as the economy evolves rapidly, providing access to unprecedented amounts of information, 随时随地, 从任何类型的设备. By 2025, 据物联网分析公司估计,全球物联网连接数量将从2020年的120亿增加到300多亿. 全球安全硬件支出, software and services is estimated to almost reaching $175 billion by 2024, 根据Statista. 这个集群具有更广泛的跨学科范围和不同的应用,还包括以数学科学为重点的多学科研究中心, 交通系统, additive 制造业 and wireless communications technology and industry and business management, as well as on the societal impacts of science and technology.
数据科学和管理集群跨越了包括生物科学和生物工程在内的所有其他研究集群, 环境与可持续发展, 材料科学与工程、机器人和机器智能,为从医疗信息系统到工业自动化的几乎所有应用开发数据驱动的方法, 并对财务和企业管理.
NAE and NAS Grand Challenges and NSF Big Ideas within the scope of this cluster include “Secure Cyberspace”, “先进的个性化学习”, “Enhance Virtual Reality” “恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “Engineer the 工具 of Scientific Discovery”, and “The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier”, “驾驭数据革命”, “Growing Convergence 研究” and “The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution”.
环境与可持续发展: This cluster represents interdisciplinary research areas in urban ecology, 空间天气, 太阳能地面, 环境传感器, 可持续的基础设施, 智能交通系统, 全球气候变化, 生物多样性与保育, 干净的水, 废物管理, 可再生能源, 智能电网系统. The urban ecology and sustainability area emphasizes 可持续的基础设施, 智能交通, 生态社区, 以及城市建模和模拟. 空间气象科学及其对太阳系演化变化的影响直接影响着我们的环境生态系统和全球气候变化. This area also focuses on the water-能源 nexus and the impact of ocean levels on the environment, as well as the development of technologies to 干净的水 and to provide green 能源, 如生物燃料电池和强大, 持久的电池. 环境和可持续发展集群与其他研究集群交叉,包括材料科学和工程, 开发智能绿色建筑和可持续社区的机器人和机器智能以及数据科学与管理, understanding 空间天气 and climate changes.
NAE and NAS Grand Challenges and NSF Big Ideas within the scope of this cluster include “太阳能”, “恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “获得洁净水”, “通过核聚变提供能量”, “发展固碳方法”, and “The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier”, “Navigating the New Arctic” and “Windows on the Universe”.
材料科学与工程: 这个集群代表了先进材料的跨学科研究领域,包括智能能源和露营材料, 量子材料, 和生物材料, 聚合物和膜技术, 纳米技术, and additive/advanced 制造业 systems. 纳米技术研究的范围包括在最微小和最基本的水平上的科学和工程现象,以便开发用于环境和制药应用的技术. 工程材料和颗粒的跨学科小组专注于制备技术的发展, processing and use of engineered-particulate materials and their composites for a spectrum of applications. 制造系统组的研究涉及开发设计创新和过程自动化的新方法和技术. A specific emphasis is to devise new processes and tools for pharmaceutical 制造业.
材料科学与工程集群涵盖了几乎所有的研究集群,包括生物科学和生物工程, 环境与可持续发展, 开发环境和医疗传感器和设备的机器人和机器智能以及数据科学和管理, tissue engineering intelligent robotics and rehabilitation systems, 添加剂和制药制造, smart buildings and sustainable communities, and data driven modeling and simulation for the development and characterization of smart materials.
该集群范围内的NAE和NAS大挑战和NSF大创意包括“恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “太阳能”, “通过核聚变提供能量”, “发展固碳方法”, and “The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier”, and “The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution”.
机器人和机器智能: This research cluster includes human machine interface, cyber-human系统, 机器人:bioinspired, 医疗, 社会和工业自治系统, 智能基础设施, 人工智能, 机器学习, 增强现实和虚拟现实. 机器人和仿生自主系统正在包括康复在内的许多领域对社会产生重大影响, 制造业, 航海和运输, 以及医疗和家庭护理. 人工智能和增强/虚拟现实应用随着自动化新模式的未来愿景而迅速发展, 发现, 社交网络,甚至机器和人类智能的共同进化,在我们的日常生活中做出重要的决定,从金融到医疗保健.
机器人和机器智能集群也与其他研究集群互动,包括生物科学和生物工程, 环境与可持续发展, 材料科学与工程,数据科学与管理,开发智能自动化和导航系统, 智能医疗信息系统, intelligent adaptative and data-driven automations in additive 制造业 systems, 智能系统几乎适用于所有应用,从教育和学习到智能城市和生活辅助系统.
该集群范围内的NAE和NAS大挑战和NSF大创意包括“高级个性化学习”, “Enhance Virtual Reality” “恢复和改善城市基础设施”, “Engineer the 工具 of Scientific Discovery”, and “The Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier”, “驾驭数据革命”, “Growing Convergence 研究” and “The Quantum Leap: Leading the Next Quantum Revolution”.